Blueprint for a Healthier Scotland

Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW) has been working for three years on producing a Blueprint for a healthier Scotland to present to the Scottish Government. Many community led organisations have contributed to shaping the Blueprint and many critical friends have commented on drafts.  Thank you for your great help.  We now have the final version of the Blueprint.  The executive summary is on the Updates page where there is also a link to the full Blueprint document.

The Blueprint is a detailed, approach to delivering empowering and enabling investment in communities to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and neighbourhoods.  Building on Scotland’s great and under-valued asset of community led organisations and establishing new local partnerships are at the centre of the Blueprint.  The current crisis has illustrated in an amazing way just how communities can respond quickly and effectively in emergency situations.

We will be promoting the Blueprint with key decision makers soon and in the run up to the Scottish parliamentary elections next year. It would be great if the ideas in the Blueprint found their way into the manifestos. We think they should. Please promote the Blueprint if opportunities arise for discussions with local politicians on the lessons we are learning from the current crisis. The note below gives some of the arguments for supporting the Blueprint.  Please let me know what you think.The Blueprint will be updated this year to take account of recent developments and policy changes and to provide an up-to -date document to send out to political parties and decision makers in this election year.  Click here to download the Blueprint


Peter Taylor - Bon Voyage!