Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW) consists of 74 community-led organisations operating and delivering services and activities day-in-day-out to individuals and groups from early years to senior citizens. The organisations deliver, in creative and responsive ways, to over 300,000 people who are experiencing difficulties which give rise to serious health and wellbeing challenges and who want to bring about major improvements their lives.
SCHW is made up of organisations which are embedded in their communities, have established trust and respect and which are governed by boards of local people in their community.
SCHW is made up of organisations which, in their communities, employ over 500 staff, engage over 3,000 volunteers and reach over 300,000 Scottish people every year.
SCHW is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation which is governed by a Board of Directors who are all volunteers and come from the 89 organisations. The central co-ordination involves minimal overheads and bureaucracy. The overriding focus is on delivering outcomes for people in communities.
Board of Directors
The SCHW Board of Directors is made up of volunteers from SCHW organisations. The Board receives administration and evaluation support from the Scottish Community Development Centre and CHEX and has received resources from the Scottish Community Alliance to support policy development. The board is supported by a Strategic Development Manager to provide development support. Financial management support will now be provided through Healthy and Happy Community Development Trust.
The Directors
John Cassidy
Julie Fox
Carol Biggin
Thomesena Lochhead
Brendan Rooney
Beth Reid
Lesley McCranor
Paul McGregor
Mark Slorance
Peter Taylor
John McCafferty
Strategic Development Support
Paul Nelis
Adviser to the Board