Blueprint for a healthier Scotland - It’s doable….Lets do it’

John Cassidy, Chair of SCHW discusses the challenges Scotland faces and how the Blueprint is a way to do things differently.

In the current post pandemic/cost of living crisis many have put forward comments on this now being a time of deep challenges and endemic epidemics and also of opportunity. Many have commented that the window of opportunity may be short lived and we have to “re-imagine and re-evaluate’.  Many have commented that intense wounds have been exposed and we must not “just slip back” into “old ways”. Many have started to embrace the optimistic idea of “building back better”.

Communities and their fantastic responses to the pandemic and the current cost of living crisis are at the centre of much thinking about the future. The language is positive, the rhetoric strong.  We must “support and trust local delivery’ and “community solutions”.  We must “build on the foundations of community power”.  We need to “channel the surge of community spirit into a lasting framework of community power”.  We need to “put neighbourhoods and communities at the heart of a new wave of decentralisation”. We must embrace “the potential of localism”. Perhaps a more basic point “All I’m asking…is for a little respect.”

The comments on the big picture are less positive  and creative. It is argued that “state capacity has been drained by the scale of the crisis”.  There is a growing and “certain economic recession”.  Governments will, “fall back on traditional levers”.  “In many places stubbornly paternalistic attitudes persist in the public sector.”  Are we “doubling down on the orthodoxy and sweeping unconventional practices and dissenting viewpoints aside…Is the answer to do what we have been doing, only more thoroughly”. Not really a very optimistic outlook.

However there is no shortage of ‘sound’ advice for governments and decision makers to help ensure a positive journey to a more hopeful future. Not a lot of detail on “how to” however.  “Build on an old idea whose time is now: the power of community”. “Invest to protect, strengthen and grow local organisations”. “Strengthening local resilience will help to ensure that we centre our economic future around citizens, wellbeing and environmental sustainability”. “Community led approaches do not just provide good social outcomes but are also proven to create stronger local economies”.   “We must focus on the potential of neighbourhood as an organising unit for political power”

Loneliness and lack of social contact has been shown to increase poor physical health, depression and dementia.  Air pollution increases the risk of dying by 6%, obesity by 23%, alcohol abuse by 37% and loneliness by 45%.  We need each other and in the future we do need to meet, have tea, talk and hug.  We need caring neighbourhoods. We need energised, able, thriving communities.

In Scotland we have an amazing asset…our voluntary, community and charitable organisations. We have organisations using community led approaches which make a fundamental difference to the lives of individuals, families and communities day-in-day-out in many of our most disadvantaged communities and neighbourhoods. We do celebrate localism and, during this crisis, thank goodness.  Eighty eight community led health and wellbeing improvement organisations make up Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW). SCHW has produced, to present to the Scottish Government, a “Blueprint for a Healthier Scotland”.  

The Blueprint is grounded in practice, supported by research and structured round a heap of common sense.  As one of SCHW’s critical friends commented, “It is doable”.  It is a “How to do it” proposal that would help tackle many of the challenges and responses highlighted in the first 5 paragraphs of this article.  It is available on SCHW’s website and has been sent to many organisations, networks, politicians of all parties and critical friends of SCHW.  It will be presented formally to the new Cabinet Secretary for Health in the Scottish Government in the near future….an opportunity to do something differently.  So let’s do it……… ….it really is doable.


John Cassidy

Chair, SCHW


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